Representative Clients
ADP Management, LLC
Advanced Women’s Care Outpatient Clinic
Aeon Properties
Alps Controls
Anthos Greek Bakery
Aroma Joes Coffee*
AR Workshop*
David Birnbaum
Central Outreach Wellness Center
Congregation Poale Zedeck
Core Power Magnetics
Crossgates Inc.
DNA Associates
El Campesino
Envy Nail
Escape Room Sports*
Expansive Pittsburgh
Farmers Insurance*
Defiant Ventures
Timothy and Patti DeBiassi
Hippeus Capital
Hitachi Energy USA
Insulators Local #2, Aliquippa HQ
Lange Financial
Lange Legal Group
LG Realty
Martik Brothers Construction
Meadowink Golf Course
Mike’s Beer Bar
Mindful Management
Mother of Sorrows Church
McKim & Creed Engineering
Kathleen Musante / Robert Hoover
Norman Center Associates
North Shore Tavern
Pennsylvania State University
Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group
Pittsburgh Gateways Corporation/ EIC
Pittsburgh Oratory of St. Philip Neri
Dr. Joseph Pusateri, MD
Rajbhog Foods International
SRKC Group
St. Clair Hospital
Surya Foods/ More Market, Bakery & Cafe
Togyu Korean BBQ
Triton Foods
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine
UPMC - Surgical Services, Nursing Excellence
US Film Crew Offices
US Film Square Shopping Plaza
City of Washington CDC
*In Conjunction Prior to WAY